Thank you for choosing Softline as supplier of Microsoft products and solutions. We inform you of upcoming changes by the rights holder - Microsoft Ireland Operation Limited - to the terms of the Azure subscriptions in the Cloud Solution Provider licensing program.
Please find detailed information as follows:
- From 21st July 2021: Microsoft has introduced and launched Azure Plan(*) parallel with the current Azure plan.
- From 1st February 2022: All Azure subscriptions that will not be migrated to Azure Plan by this time will be forcibly migrated by the Microsoft.
Currently, purchasing new Azure subscriptions is available only through purchasing an Azure Plan subscription. At the same time, all previously purchased existing Azure subscriptions fully retain their functionality. The Vendor provides a seamless migration of Azure subscriptions to Azure Plan.
How to migrate from Azure to Azure Plan?
Please contact your specialist at Softline to sign an amendment to agree with the terms and conditions of use of Azure Plan.
Softline highly appreciates our cooperation and invites you to migrate Microsoft Azure subscriptions to Azure Plan under control of our company's specialists to avoid forced migration of your subscriptions by the Microsoft.
(*)Azure Plan – these are Azure services familiar to you, but with extended functionality and additional capabilities of operational management and monitoring - Azure Cost Analysis. You can learn more about the changes in the Azure Plan by following the link or to contact the specialists of our company.